1. Invoice Issuing Entity

Issuing Entity:北京硅基流动科技有限公司

2. Invoice Validity

Issued within 3-7 working days

3. Invoice Amount

Issued for the actual amount used, in the form of a VAT electronic invoice

4. Invoice Types

Currently, the platform only provides electronic invoices.

Corporate users can obtain VAT special invoices or VAT general invoices with the company’s name;

Individual users can only obtain VAT general invoices with the individual’s name.

5. Invoice Issuing Process


Submit Invoice Application via Email

The applicant sends an email to:finance@siliconflow.cn,The email should include the following information:

    1. Invoice Header Name
    1. Tax Registration Number / Unified Social Credit Code
    1. Invoice Type: VAT Special Invoice / VAT General Invoice
    1. SiliconCloud Registration Account
    1. Invoice Application Content: Model API Calls / Playground Usage / Tiered Packages

Platform Financial Team Queries Account Consumption Information

Our company will query the relevant service and usage information based on the provided registration account and issue a VAT electronic invoice for the actual amount used. Generally, an invoice will be issued within 3-7 working days after receiving the invoice application (there may be delays in special cases). The invoice will be returned via email after issuance.


Return Invoice

The invoice will be returned to the corresponding application email.