Creates a rerank request.
Bearer authentication header of the form Bearer <token>
, where <token>
is your auth token.
Specifies the model to be used.
, netease-youdao/bce-reranker-base_v1
Required. The search query.
Required. List of documents to be reordered. If document objects are provided, the 'text' field is mandatory, and other fields will be preserved in the response.
Number of most relevant documents or indices to return.
If false, the response does not include document text; if true, it includes the input document text.
Maximum number of chunks generated from within a document. Long documents are divided into multiple chunks for calculation, and the highest score among the chunks is taken as the document's score.
Number of token overlaps between adjacent chunks when documents are chunked.
x < 80
Original document content.
The index value of the position in the input candidate doc array.
Similarity score.